Friday, March 11, 2011

A verse a day

So I'm in the Boston Logan airport, have been for the past four hours, and my flight is delayed, so I'll be here for another 2 or so. I'm not saying that that is the only reason I'm updating my blog, but if the shoe fits... Anyways. Part of my Lent resolution is that everyday I was going to have a verse of the day, and a reason behind the verse. Mostly to help me meditate on the Bible more and get into it, but also partly because of these verses:
"Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 25:28-30.

I don't always use my talents. I don't like to admit I have them all the time. I bury them in the ground, hide them away. But I love photography. And I have been told that it is a talent of mine. So this lent, for my verse a day, I am making the verse into a picture. I hope to multiply my talent, make it greater than when my master left. I hope to be a good and faithful servant. Therefore, I present to you, my first three verses...

Day 1: Ash Wednesday. I wore ashes on my forehead all day in memory that I am dust and I will be dust again when I die. I am mortal.

Day 2: The day my stomach begins to rumble, and I begin to really crave chocolate. But I will not complain. I held to this one because I do complain a lot, and it isn't healthy.

Day 3: My knee has been throbbing all day. That worries me a lot. Mostly because I've been in remission from Arthritis for years now, and there is no way that I can fathom it coming back. It terrifies me. Besides, I've been worrying about many many things lately that do not need to worry me.

There are the first three. I'll post the next bunch in a few days, when I have more to post. :)

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