Saturday, March 19, 2011

Phoenix Tears

Sophomore year of High School, I began writing a book. I didn't even finish the first chapter. This has happened many, many times to me, both before and since. Apparently, though, something about this book was different. I became inspired about a week or so back, and have begun writing the book again (I had emailed it to myself a while ago, and was able to dig through old emails til I found it).

None of my stories I've ever shared with anyone. None of them have had enough substance. Phoenix Tears certainly doesn't. Not yet. And it may never. But there is something about my writings that has gotten me to thinking.

But before I get to that, a very brief explanation about the name. As legend has it, Phoenix's have many incredible abilities. One is their ability to heal otherwise fatal wounds with their tears. Pretty cool, huh? Now, on to my deep-thinking-ness. (No, I am not going to tell you any more about my story. You'll have to buy the book!)

I am fantastic at creating the perfect character. It is not difficult for me to write someone with no flaws, no weaknesses, no Achilles heel, so to speak. Those characters have no depth. They are shallow, people without definition, without strength, and honestly, they are really annoying. Sure, writing a story about the perfect guy falling in love with the perfect girl (or even a flawed girl, writing as I see myself) would be easy. I could probably have it done by tomorrow. But I would hate the story after the first chapter. His perfection would get old really quickly. Not because perfection is bad, but because it isn't realistic.

I am flawed.

Now, this isn't something I'm proud of. Life would be so much simpler were I not. Then again, look at the one person who has lived a flawless life. It wasn't exactly simple for Jesus. We killed Him for being perfect, being exactly who He claimed to be, because we weren't able to handle that. It is only because He died for me that my flaws are forgiven. No one wants to read a book about a main character who lives a flawed life and never experiences any forgiveness. What kind of story would that be?

Not the kind that my Author is writing for me.

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