Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Decisions (duhn duhn duuuuhn)

When I was on La Vida, looking forward to being able to use shampoo and soap again, I was also slightly dreading getting to school. I was nervous that I wouldn't make friends, that I would be homesick, but mostly that I would fail all my classes, lose my scholarship, get kicked out of school and end up living in a cardboard box in Seattle...  ok, I may be exaggerating a tad. More than all of that combined, though, I was afraid I wouldn't like Gordon, and that it would end up being the wrong college for me. I know, it seems a little silly, right? Ok, so that is what transferring is for. But this was my first real decision I had to make as an adult without my parents telling me what to do. It was a pretty big decision, and I didn't want to screw it up. What would it say about me if I epically failed my first test of decision making in my adult life??
During solo, I thought about it a ton. Solo was me fasting, alone in the woods, for two days. I saw Steve and Sher, our leaders, when they brought water and collected out journals. Other than that, it was me and God. When praying about it, God reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom junior year about whether I should swim on the club team during water polo season, or play water polo. Normally, this would have been a simple decision-- polo all the way. Unfortunately, my physical therapist for my shoulder had told me that I wasn't allowed to play water polo, probably ever again. I was in my room one night, making a list of pros and cons for each, when my mom came in. I asked her what she thought I should do, and she said the decision was all mine (great, really great), but that whatever I decided, God would bless that decision and make the best possible situation out of it. I ended up choosing water polo, and am so glad I did. Even if I hadn't though, I know God would have made swimming great too.
Gordon has been a perfect fit for me. I've made amazing friends, haven't been homesick, and got a pretty good GPA for my 1st semester (which means it looks like the cardboard box in Seattle will have to wait). I've also learned to trust that, no matter how big or small the decision I make is, whether it's where I want to study abroad junior year or what I whether to buy this chair for our dorm room, God will take my decision and will make the best of it.
This doesn't mean I should make these decisions willy-nilly though. They definitely require prayer, and God's guidance. I still seek counsel from those who are older and wiser than me, and seek to make decisions to please God. Even if I majorly mess up, God isn't going to let me mess up my life too bad. He's there to catch me, whether I fall, trip, or jump, and to hold me steady as I walk along from day to day.

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