Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You've got mail!

As a college student, there is not much that brightens my day more than mail. When I check my mailbox and see letter or a package slip, I have to smile. I love these little bits of evidence that someone loves me (or whatever I ordered off Amazon has come in)! I really appreciate letters, because they take time to sit down, write out, then whoever wrote it must find an envelope and stamps, then go to the post office. Sure, an email is faster, but so much less personal.

Letters can also be really encouraging. I got a letter recently from a new-ish friend that totally made my day. It was encouraging and uplifting, and it helped me relax, destressify and go about the day a little bit more calmly. Having had a bad day, her letter turned it completely around. I pull it out every once in a while to reread. I have a baggie with all of my letters in it that I pull out once in a while just to read.

So write someone a letter (especially college students!). Encourage them. You never know what difference it could make.

Just a short snippet today, but that's ok, because I have to go finish packing so I can go home tomorrow morning!! :)

p.s. I would love letters, but I'm not really comfortable giving out my address here... send me a text or look up on Facebook my address if we're friends and you want my address :) Give me yours and I'll (try to) send you some letters!

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