Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How He Loves!

"He is jealous for me. He loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His love and mercy."

I love this visual. I can also now appreciate the metaphor a little bit more in depth after experiencing, well, a tropical storm. It was supposed to be a hurricane, but Irene had weakened by the time she hit us. Something that I noticed during the storm though, something I hadn't ever realized while singing this song before; the high winds tear branches, leaves, needles and anything else that is remotely dead off of a tree. It tears some living things too, but it is really quite refining. There are these dead or mostly dead branches that are just hanging on to the tree sucking up water and energy from the tree, but not giving anything back. These are forcibly torn off. Like gold in a fire, the wind cleans the trees.

Sometimes, we aren't focused on God. We focus on things of this world, things that take and take but give nothing back. God gets jealous for us and sends a hurricane of his love and mercy to tear off our burdens and distractions, to refocus us on Him. It isn't usually comfortable (some of those trees were bent almost sideways) but as long as you have deep roots, you will not be toppled.

Let it rain on me, Lord. Let it rain.

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